Moving from to

That’s not really how you say it. The correct phrase or operational definition is actually transferring your blog hosted by to your self hosted webspace, wherein you install wordpress from to your own database.

Moving your blog from one host to another is quite easy if you’re just transferring it from to, to, and any sites which host blogs for free. But it’s easier said than done when you move from other host to your own hosted site. Like what other people said, it requires patience and you should be self-efficient and more resourceful.

I never thought it would take me 3 days to configure all these stuffs here. Anyways, I’m happy that I successfully managed to move all my contents from to my own server at 1and1.

I realize that it could have been easier if at the very start I already had my own domain and host. That way I can be saved from all the hassles in moving my contents. But, looking back I’m quite thankful that I went through those ordeals because I did learn a lot of things. And I will enumerate them below:

This is just a rough draft and not really a detailed procedure. Just check links for more itemized instructions.

1. The first thing you have to do in moving your blog from to your own host(assuming that you already bought a domain and webspace) is to create a database in you mysql administration in your cpanel. This database is where you will install your wordpress and also it is where you will put all your files for your blog.

2. Next, you set up your ftp account in your ftp administration in your cpanel. Then, install an ftp software in your pc. In my case a friend of mine recommended the fireftp add-on from mozilla. Fireftp is more practical because you just have to access it using your firefox browser, and it won’t consume space in your hard disc.

3. After setting up your ftp, you’re now ready to install your unzipped wordpress folder in your server’s root directory. I installed mine in the root directory for I preferred to access my blog site using my domain, instead of

4. When you’re done with your wordpress installation, you’re now ready to transfer your contents to your server. The first thing you will do is to export all your posts, links, categories, unpublished drafts, comments, etc., and save it to your local hard drive. All these contents will actually be saved in one xml file.

5. After exporting all your blog contents and have saved it as an xml file, you’re now ready to import it to your self-hosted site.

I actually encountered a problem in importing my contents. In my first attempt, not all my posts were being transferred. What I did was I deleted the already imported post in my Manage Posts dashboard area, and since wordpress has no bulk delete feature I have to delete them one by one. And that’s quite very tedious, and I really hate doing it. But I really have no choice. After that, I import my content again but the result was futile. And I deleted my posts again and reimport again and again, but my posts are still incomplete and I thought of just posting them again one by one(a very desperate thought).

Well, good thing my friend came to the rescue. What he did was he just reimported my exported xml file a few times, and when we saw the ALL DONE prompt message at the bottom page of the browser, he said that that’s the sign that all my posts have already been transferred completely. And it did!

My friend told me that it’s normal to have an incomplete transfer when you import contents. The only thing you have to do is to reimport it again and again until all the posts are transferred. No worries for post redundancy because the mysql function can detect a redundant file, that is, if a post already existed in the database it won’t be imported again. But this doesn’t really hold true based from my experience. After all my contents have been completely transferred, I found lots of redundant posts when I checked my blog site. What I did was I manually deleted all of them from my Manage Posts dashboard area.

6. The next thing you have to do is to properly index your site. In my case, I just deleted the default index.html file my host puts in my server’s root directory.

7. Now, you’ll be ready to set a redirection from your site to your self-hosted site, that is, if someone will click a link from your old blog he will be automatically redirected to your new website. This way your old traffic won’t be wasted. charged $10 per year as a redirection fee.

I’m actually very thankful to this walk-through documentation written by those guys from It is a complete step by step redirection procedure that would surely help you a lot. You just have to follow it religiously and I assure you that your site will be well-redirected.

8. Lastly, enjoy tweaking your newly self-hosted wordpress blog, and put any ads or java script goodies you’ve been wanting to grab(but are not allowed to by your host because of security issues) when you were still in!

Happy Blogging!

About Agnes Embile Jimenez

Agnes likes to think that she's a full-time BUM. She's currently doing the things she loves while maintaining a frugal lifestyle. This blog is all about her struggles to live a frugal life, her quest to see the world via budget traveling, and her love to share to other people (via blogging) everything that she is passionate about. Agnes does not absolutely conform to any beliefs or philosophies. Though she's writing about frugal living and is currently embracing the minimalist lifestyle, she doesn't want to define her existence based on these realities alone. For her, life is too diverse, too colorful, too mysterious. It would be a waste of experience (and time) to imprison herself to a few sets of ideas. Google+ | Twitter

8 thoughts on “Moving from to

  1. You’re right ๐Ÿ™‚

    Moving from to is not really the way to say it, and we debated much about the title. In the end, we went with what people were searching for because it seemed there was much confusion about the subject (even at the WordPress forums).

    However, it is written with the hope that it helps tons of people; that they take bits from it and rewrite it for more people…

    Thank you for pointing it out, and it pleases me greatly it helped you; thank you for your kind words too ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’m more pleased with your walk-through. It really helped a lot. There are actually other redirection procedures in the wordpress site but it’s really confusing. Yours is way clearer and easier to understand. Thanks for commenting. Hehehe…

  3. Did you have problems with duplicate content – forwarding old links indexed by google and the same posts on your site? Please help. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. i really have fun reading comments of other people on my posts..good or bad, well, it goes to show that they have indeed read รขโ‚ฌหœem. but iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm also guilty of not leaving comments on other blogs as well.

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