Freelancing $5 At A Time

N.B.: As what I have mentioned in the previous freelancing guest post that I published almost a month ago, freelancing is a very challenging field and it is not ideal for anyone.  But, if you managed to get your hands on it, it would become a stable source of income with limitless opportunities.  Below is a guest post by my fellow freelancer, Marc Lafleur, on how he managed to start a freelancing career.EOD

Are you dreaming of being your own boss, to start freelancing and take control of your financial life, but don’t know where to start? Have you heard about $5 mini jobs web sites but didn’t give them a try yet?

Let me share with you my story.

It all started in January 2012 when a good friend of mine told me about $5 sites where you can offer mini jobs and also buy mini services. My friend is a funny comedian so he offered was to dance in a spandex suit and do dedicated videos for $5 that people could buy for themselves, their company or their friends. I even bought one from him to wish happy birthday to one of my relative.

I ‘Googled’ it and found sites like, Fiverr, and a few other ones. All have a similar concept and interface and over 15 categories of jobs that you can create: Fun videos, graphic design, tips and advice, video testimonials, social marketing.

One category stood out: Social Marketing. I found tons of people selling Youtube views, Twitter Followers and Facebook Likes. I really had no clue how to do this and had no other skills to sell at the time so came up with an interesting idea: what is I can sell the exact same things that other people sell on the site, and once I get orders I hire someone else from the same site to do it for me?

In example, I noticed that some people were selling 5000 Youtube views for $5. So I decided to 1000 Youtube Views for $5 and every time I would get 5 orders I would pay that other seller $5 to fulfill the job. Soon I was making $50 per day just by forwarding a few emails, which took probably 30 minutes! This little exercise taught me a lot about micro entrepreneurship and 5$ outsourcing. It taught me that you can sell absolutely anything on the internet, even if you don’t have a clue about the industry and even if you don’t have any skills related to the matter. Just sell it, and then find someone to do it for you for cheaper.

Less work, more profits, more time for personal activities that you really want to do. Sweet deal!

So I wanted to take this concept further and promote it on Google ( It was a steep learning curve but I did, and 1 year later I am financially autonomous and starting 3 new online businesses as we speak.

Take control of your life: Sell anything online, then pay someone to do it for you for less. Good luck!

Photo used above is under Creative Commons License. Credit.

About Empress

Empress is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write. She founded Empress Content Writing & Digital Marketing Services to help small entrepreneurs grow their business.

4 thoughts on “Freelancing $5 At A Time

  1. Inspiring post.Really fiver is great platform for freelancers and it providing great services.You can buy or sell many things at fiver anyway thanks for share this post with us.

  2. I love freelancing online.. I usually use fiverr and minimart jobs and its best way to earn reasonable amount daily by free lancing..
    thanks for posting this great article..

  3. Hi. I needed a place to source a low cost guest post for my vintage pen blog. I would have never found these without your post. Being a member of freelancer dot com and knowing what prices freelancers offer there, never thought of this opportunity. Thank you!

  4. Things aren’t that easy and beautiful as said in the post. Why? I’ll explain in a moment. Indeed it teaches you that you can sell absolutely anything, pretend to be anyone, have 15 businesses like this and earn more than the national average wage BUT to sell you need to have your customers. It’s much harder than you think. It’s different from a stationary shop which is pretty obvious but notice that in stationary shop, customers are in the street. Walking, passing by, eventually coming in and buying. I think it’s easier to catch someone. When you sell goods or services through internet then you need to make a lot of efforts in terms of SEO + be patient in order to obtain a little income. I would be glad if you would tell us readers how you’ve got your customers and what steps did you make. Kind Regards

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