Basic Preparedness Kit to Survive an Earthquake

According to a study published in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or higher has been increasing since 2004. Therefore, if you live in an earthquake prone area, it would be wise to have an emergency earthquake kit ready. If you have never prepared such a kit before, here are some of the vital necessities that you should include in the kit.

Food and Water

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) set of guidelines says that your earthquake preparedness kit should contain enough food and water to last for at least 72 hours. Of course, you should choose dehydrated foods that are easy to prepare. Some of the best foods to store include protein bars, powdered milk, dried rice, peanut butter, dried oatmeal, powdered eggs, dehydrated soups, beef cubes, powdered beans, and chicken bouillon cubes. Besides stocking bottled water, you should have enough supplies of water purification tablets or filters. Since you are likely to require plates and cutlery, you may want to include plastic plates, spoons, and forks in there.

Medical Supplies

In the event of an earthquake, individuals may get hurt. Injuries may range from open wounds to serious injuries, such as broken bones. As such, you should adequate medicine and first aid supplies such as sterile gauze, tweezers, aspirin, ibuprofen, bandages, iodine cleanser/betadine, and antidiarrheals. If you have medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, make sure you include the appropriate medications in your earthquake kit.

Cooking Supplies

An earthquake can happen at any time of the year. If it happens during rainy season (in tropical countries) or the cold months of winter, you need to have heating equipment. These will provide warmth as well as help you cook food. Purchase portable stoves and waterproof matches. In addition, purchase a pot for boiling water and ample supplies of stove fuel.

Communication Gadgets

Besides staying warm, you need to have a few communication gadgets including a mobile phone, spare batteries for your phone, and two-way radios. A solar charger for your phone is a good gadget to have, too.

Since earthquakes are usually unpredictable, it is wise to have a well-prepared earthquake kit ready at all times. Some of the items that you must have in your kit include medical supplies, cooking supplies, and communication gear. Make sure you have enough supplies to see you through the first 72 hours after an earthquake. For more information about preparing an earthquake emergency kit, click here.

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About Empress

Empress is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write. She founded Empress Content Writing & Digital Marketing Services to help small entrepreneurs grow their business.

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