How to Maximize Your Computer’s Internet Connection Speed

[ This is a guest post by  Spencer Hogg from the BroadbandExpert.Com ]

In order to get the best from your high speed internet connection and maintain the highest speed, you first need to know just how good your connection is by performing an online speed test. Data transfer speeds vary with distance from the server, so try a few different locations to get a good average; this will establish a baseline with which to compare later speed tests.

It is a good idea to compare the results of the speed test to what your ISP states on your high speed internet service contract. While the speeds advertised by ISPs tend to be best case scenarios, a large difference in speed could indicate problems on the ISP side.

Physical connection problems increase data packet loss, slowing your internet connection by forcing it to request the same data more than once; double check all coax connections are tight.

Once the quality of the connection has been checked, there are several steps to optimize your PC and how it uses the connection.

Regular system maintenance will not only keep your PC running efficiently, it will help maximize the speed of the internet connection. Data transfer speeds have increased so much since the days of dial-up that any problems with your computer can manifest as slower than expected internet connection, as the hardware and software struggle to keep up. Regular registry error checks, disk cleanup and defragmentation help to keep system performance at its best, but if your computer is over 5 years old it may be time to consider an upgrade.

Double check the amount of RAM and hard drive space available. A computer may have a super fast processor but without adequate RAM, or with an overly full hard drive limiting virtual memory, the internet connection will suffer. Closing unused programs help to keep RAM free to be used by your internet browser while RAM management programs can also be useful to monitor RAM usage.

Unexpected bandwidth usage can slow your connection. Programs running in the background may be using bandwidth to check for and download updates or, in the case of viruses and Trojans, transmit other information to a remote computer. Software companies often have programs add themselves to those loaded at start-up, and in many cases this is completely unnecessary. Check your start-up programs and reduce the list to the bare minimum. Doing so will not only reduce the number of programs using bandwidth without you knowing, but also improve computer start-up speed and keep as much RAM free as possible. Set your antivirus program to update and scan when you aren’t using the computer; the same can be done with disk defragmentation. Note that real-time antivirus programs can slow a high speed internet connection considerably, but are a necessary evil. Most major antivirus software manufacturers offer free trials, so consider trying several different antivirus programs to see which works best with your system.

If your home network uses a wireless router it is very important to enable the built in security features to prevent bandwidth theft by individuals within range of the wireless signal. Most routers also allow management of port ranges for specific software applications to improve internet data transfer speeds.
Finally, when your connection and computer have been checked and optimized, it is time to look at the browser. While Microsoft Internet Explorer is still the most popular, it isn’t necessarily the best browser for all users, being rather resource hungry. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are good alternative browsers. Firefox allows plug-ins and other web features to be easily controlled, while Chrome is very good for users with limited RAM.
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About Empress

Empress is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write. She founded Empress Content Writing & Digital Marketing Services to help small entrepreneurs grow their business.

15 thoughts on “How to Maximize Your Computer’s Internet Connection Speed

  1. Thanks for telling us.
    The title should be, how to maximize your system speed. If the system speed will be good, then the internet connection will work with speed if system has no virus.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Really helpful post here. One thing I would like to stress out is RAM. It’s so important nowadays with all the RAM hungry games, applications and stuff that it’s definitely wise to invest in more RAM.

    Thumbs up for your post.

  3. Haha! I love the picture of the snail. That’s what my internet feels like today. Does the snail know that you used its picture though? One should always ask 🙂 I use an old version of DUMeter to manage my bandwidth, and since everybody in my household connects through my computer, I can see their bandwidth usage also, so I often run around the house asking who’s inconsiderate enough to have torrents open, or something similar 🙁

  4. Thanks for the informative post. Very helpful. I don’t have problems with my connection but still tried the tips you mentioned. Now my connection is faster than before.

  5. I tried your tips at home and it was effective. Somehow, it only works if you don’t share your connection with others. I guess the bandwidth is affected when someone in your network is downloading.

  6. Thanks for the tips. I live out in the boonies with no DSL or cable service available, so my ISP options are limited. Programs running in the background really drag down my speed. And I agree with you about browsers. When I switched to Firefox from IE, my speed went up. Then when I switched to Chrome from Firefox, it went up again. 🙂

  7. I think fiber optic & DSL connection has solved most problems regards slow internet connection. But still in some areas there is no facility of fiber optics and DSL where people are still using dial up and other old style connection.

  8. Great Post I must say..thnxxx for the tips to maximise internet Speed.Is is the problem of Mostly all people..most folks doesn’t give any attention towards the Background Programs running on the system and using the Bandwidth..thnxx for sharing the tips 🙂

  9. Great tips. I’ll definitely try it. I’s actually using 2 connections, one for backup. The one is DSL with up to 2mbps and the other is 3G which is up to 7mbps. It’s confusing because sometimes the DSL is still the most reliable. Thanks for this.

  10. Talk about speeding up the internet, it does take a great deal on the physical part. We should be getting good maintenance on our computers; it would reflect (somehow) also with our internet speed.

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