The Least Expected Yet Most Pleasant Suprise [#AgnosticAtheistMusings – Entry 2]

The things you least expected often bring more joys and contentment into your life.

My journey to Agnosticism and Atheism is filled with subtle yet consistent  sequences of unexpected revelations.

Growing up in a typical Catholic family within a typical Catholic community in a country wherein religious teachings are considered as absolute facts, it is always a struggle for a person like me to break away from deep childhood indoctrination.

My journey is very life-changing. It makes me appreciate more the value of life. It makes me symphatize more with people. In short, it makes me a better person.

One of the most unexpected revelations in my journey that brings so much joy and warm into my heart is when my life partner confessed that he is now an Agnostic.

A Very Heartwarming Yet Unexpected Revelation

My life partner, for almost eleven years, is a former seminarian. After he graduated in highschool, he decided that he wanted to devote his life as a Catholic priest. But, for some reasons, he didn’t make it.

On the last week of January this year, we were in for the biggest surprise in almost 11 years of our being together. We found out that I am pregnant. (I am on my 18th week of pregnancy while writing this blog post.)

One of the questions our OB asked in our very first visit was what is our religious affiliations. I was pleasantly shocked and surprised when he straightforwardly answered that he is an Agnostic.

I feel like I’ve been wrong all along. I always thought that he is always a theist. Although I’m very vocal with my thoughts about the atrocities brought by religions, my partner seldom argues with me. He always listen to what I say to the point of seemingly agreeing to some of my sentiments. 

But, I knew deep down, he should have disagreed (to some of my arguments) because I believed he was just being lenient with me. This is the very reason why I never expected that for all these years, he is now becoming more like me.

An Atheist and a Theist Relationship

I often read articles saying that it’s impossible for an atheist and a theist to be together. But, this is not true at all.

Despite our differing opinions before, we managed to co-exist and love each other. I never felt that he loves me less when I came out as an atheist.  I even felt his support when a few of my Facebook friends bashed me personally when I posted statuses that are against their beliefs.

It was actually not an issue in our relationship that we have different worldviews.  I also never directly approached him to change his. Thus, when he told our OB that he is an Agnostic, I was pleasantly surprised.

My life partner has been listening to me all these years. He doesn’t only listen but he truly understands why I became an Agnostic Atheist. He feels the depth of my sentiments and truly symphatizes with my arguments. He understands the logic and rationality why I abandoned the myths of the Catholic religion.

I am now in tears while writing this blog post. Someday our child, baby Marley, will read this and he/she will know that his/her parents truly love each other. And, whatever the future brings, this is one of my most unforgettable life experiences that I will treasure until my very last breath.

About Empress

Empress is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write. She founded Empress Content Writing & Digital Marketing Services to help small entrepreneurs grow their business.

One thought on “The Least Expected Yet Most Pleasant Suprise [#AgnosticAtheistMusings – Entry 2]

  1. hello girl

    browsing over some other topics i bumped into this blog. but no accidents right? let you know the article you made is easily heart felt. indeed this indoctrination, most often than not, instead of being receptive shuts us up and creates divisiveness. but your experience with your partner proves that diversity can sync glued with love and respect. lets spread that

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