Rammstein’s Mein teil

Mein Teil(My Part) is one of my fave music vid from Rammstein(a popular rock band from Germany). A friend of mine introduced me to this band since he knew about my obsession of twisted and bizarre stuffs. I fell in love with the band the first time I saw one of their music vid “Du Hast”, and a few of their concert videos.

In Mein Teil(music video) homosexuality has been shamelessly portrayed in coordination with brainsick and savage characters you can only see in serial killer films like SAW, Hannibal, WAZ, and a few good zombie movies. If you’re a first timer and a moralist you will be appalled of how the video brutally illustrated the Fellatio(oral stimulation of the penis or in short the blowjob). Some said that Mein teil also means My Penis in the German sense. Every Rammstein video I’ve watched is well coordinated and well-budgeted. It seems like when you watch their music video you’re watching a short and savage film and taboo is their common denominator. If you like to read the english version of Mein teil click here.

You can download their discography album here

About Agnes Embile Jimenez

Agnes likes to think that she's a full-time BUM. She's currently doing the things she loves while maintaining a frugal lifestyle. This blog is all about her struggles to live a frugal life, her quest to see the world via budget traveling, and her love to share to other people (via blogging) everything that she is passionate about. Agnes does not absolutely conform to any beliefs or philosophies. Though she's writing about frugal living and is currently embracing the minimalist lifestyle, she doesn't want to define her existence based on these realities alone. For her, life is too diverse, too colorful, too mysterious. It would be a waste of experience (and time) to imprison herself to a few sets of ideas. Google+ | Twitter

0 thoughts on “Rammstein’s Mein teil

  1. I would agree with you, Rammstein’s videos are pretty graphic and raunchy… but it’s part of their business, they want to sell an image and that’s what they know how to do!

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