Advocate for anti-HPV campaign

What is HPV? It’s an incurable STD that infect about 40% of sexually active individuals in the county. HPV stands for Human Papilloma Viruses. I incidentally read about this in a mag somewhere in Ayala. The common symptom or sign that you are contaminated with this virus is the appearance of warts in your genitals. I googled and found this…

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are common viruses that can cause warts. There are more than 100 types of HPV. Most are harmless, but about 30 types put you at risk for cancer. These types affect the genitals and you get them through sexual contact with an infected partner. They are classified as either low-risk or high-risk. Low-risk HPV can cause genital warts. High-risk HPV can lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women. In men, it can lead to cancers of the anus and penis.

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About Agnes Embile Jimenez

Agnes likes to think that she's a full-time BUM. She's currently doing the things she loves while maintaining a frugal lifestyle. This blog is all about her struggles to live a frugal life, her quest to see the world via budget traveling, and her love to share to other people (via blogging) everything that she is passionate about. Agnes does not absolutely conform to any beliefs or philosophies. Though she's writing about frugal living and is currently embracing the minimalist lifestyle, she doesn't want to define her existence based on these realities alone. For her, life is too diverse, too colorful, too mysterious. It would be a waste of experience (and time) to imprison herself to a few sets of ideas. Google+ | Twitter

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